Thursday, May 31, 2012

Post XIII {Unposted}

Obviously, Cobra was just as turned on as Tarantula himself was. Feeling his brother tugging at his clothes, Tarantula paused in his scratching and other caresses to grab his brother's hand, ceasing the motion. For a moment, Cobra made soft sounds of protest, but then Tarantula himself tugged the shirt over his twin's head and tossed it towards the corner of the room.

This time, both hands went towards his brother's backside. They grabbed at the flesh there for a moment before Tarantula lifted his brother easily, Cobra's legs locking around Tarantula's waist. Capturing Cobra's soft lips yet again, Tarantula began moving towards his bedroom, knowing that Cobra's would be far more messy than Tarantula's immaculately clean room. The large bed was going to be far more comfortable and suited to their actions than the couch would be, although that would have worked as well.

Kicking the door open with one strong, muscular leg, Tarantula strode into the room. He dropped Cobra down on the bed, and Tarantula quickly lay over him, propping himself up on his elbows and one knee to keep his weight from pinning his brother.

"I have a feeling we're both going to enjoy this..."


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