Thursday, May 31, 2012

Post III {Already Posted}

The sounds of a door slamming open and then shut made Tarantula pause in his work, senses suddenly on the alert. From the noise, it wasn't very likely that any sort of police force had realized what was happening to all the missing people and were coming to try to take Tarantula to prison, but it was in his nature to be overly cautious. Carelessness created room for error, and in Tarantula's life, error was simply not acceptable.

A quick sniff of the air, though, confirmed Tarantula's suspicions that it was only his brother, Cobra. The scent of his half-vampire blood had a more sharp, stronger smell to it than human blood did; even if another half-vampire had been in the area - which they hadn't, as far as Tarantula had seen - Cobra's scent was well implanted in Tarantula's brain, and he could pick it out among a thousand other scents. Cobra was finally back, although unacceptably late. Tarantula would have a little talk to him about that, when he finally got his ass down the stairs and into the torture chamber.

Rapid, thunderous footsteps on the stairs caused Tarantula to grimace. While he preferred slow, silent grace in his movements, Cobra was far too energetic to ever move without making some sort of ruckus. Yet another door was slammed as Cobra flung himself into the room, nearly scattering the surgical instruments that Tarantula had just put up as he bumped into the glass case in which all the torture devices were kept.

"Your apologies are worthless to me," Tarantula growled in a voice dangerously emotionless and silent. "You do realize that you have missed the procedure entirely? Did we not share the same blood in our veins, I would kill you were you stand without allowing you time for your puny little brain to register what was happening to you. You do realize this, don't you?" Shaking his head in disapproval, Tarantula turned his back to his brother, and gestured with one arm towards the still bloody operating table and room. "Clean this up. I have to document this in my files. If you're thirsty, I saved a few pints of blood for you, although the devil knows you don't deserve him."

Shrugging past Cobra, Tarantula took the stairs two at a time in order to make his way up the stairs and into his office. As was his custom, he set about documenting the events of the torturing that had just occurred.


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