Thursday, May 31, 2012

Post VII {Already Posted}

It was incredibly obvious that Cobra was standing right out side of Tarantula’s door.  His scent, one that was tampered hugely by several different emotions, was strong, and filled Tarantula’s senses. He may not have loved Cobra, but his brother was a good lover. And his scent…it was almost too much for Tarantula to deny. Even as he continued writing, his face an emotionless mask, he felt himself begin to long for his brother. It was sinful, and wicked, and everything evil – but then again, Tarantula was already all of that. Incest was the least of his many, many problems.

However, just as he began to feel as if he would lose control, Cobra moved.  He hadn’t gone far, it seemed, but the scent was no longer as strong. It seemed that now Cobra was sitting on a couch in the adjoining room. Tarantula picked up his pencil, hardly even aware that he had dropped it. Then, he continued writing. But his mind was on other things. Dirty, nasty, incredibly pleasurable things. And it was those thoughts that finally urged Tarantula to rush through the rest of his report.

Finally, feeling free to do whatever he wished, Tarantula put the papers in the correct area of his filing cabinet, and then opened the door. Just as he had expected, Cobra was there, waiting. Tarantula leaned against the wall, waiting for his brother to look up from the Nintendo DS game that he appeared incredibly attached to at the moment. Tarantula would only wait so long – if Cobra would not look up and notice him soon, then Tarantula would be forced to make some sort of noise that would assure his presence being noted.

However, no noise was required. After a few moments, Cobra seemed to pick up Tarantula’s scent. He looked up, and then a huge grin filled his face, and his eyes lit up. Tarantula smirked, one side of his mouth lifting in a half-smile. “Hey, brother. What are you playing?”


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